COVID-19 Guidlines


To ensure the safety of everyone at College Exposure Camps we will be following specific COVID-19 guidelines. Every player AND parent will be required to read and ackolwdget that they have read the guidelines

  • No bags on the fields, players arrive at the fields ready for camp only bringing water jug clearly labeled NO SHARING. 
    • Do not bring a ball.
    • Water Bottle/Jug MUST Be label with your name
  • Avoid picking up your soccer ball during practice. 
  • No parents on the fields unless for pickup/dropoff maintain social distancing
  • Report to a staff member if there is an illness in your family and do not attend the camp if he or she is feeling ill. 
  • Abide by the entrance and exit layouts to reduce congestion 
  • We will have water stations next to the Hand Sanitizer. YOU MUST use the Hand Sanitizer prior to filling your jug.